There, I am with them.


In person

This Sunday at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM

The Buzz Shopping Centre, Corner of Witkoppen Road & Nerine Drive, Fourways


Head to our YouTube channel to find all of our service recordings.

Kids Church

FCC Kids is open to kids ranging from age 3 to 13 years old. Each group receives age appropriate lessons, discussion and activities. We have worship, story time and so much more!

Green Group
3 to 5 Years Old – Upstairs

Yellow Group
5 to 8 Years Old – Upstairs

Blue Group
8 to 11 Years Old – At Gather

Red Group
11 to 13 Years Old – At Gather


From Grade 8 onwards, you will move into the main hall with your parents and join a youth homegroup.

Look out for our volunteers and info signs across the church.